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Safeguarding Children

This module is suitable for all staff as everyone needs to know about safeguarding children, what the law says you must know and do, and what you must do if you have a concern about any student you come into contact with through your work or volunteering activities. Includes updates for the academic year 2022/23.

Course Presented by: 

Simon Lowe


70-75 Minutes

Key topics covered

  • Safeguarding roles and responsibilities

  • Structures for managing safeguarding, policies and delivery

  • Safer recruitment practice

  • Forms of abuse, recognising and responding to abuse

  • Harassment and child-on-child abuse

  • Handling allegations of abuse

  • Online safety

  • The Prevent duty

  • Honour violence, female genital mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage

  • Updates for this academic year

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