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Adventurous & Overseas Visits

Running adventurous activities or travelling overseas are hugely beneficial ways of engaging children in learning and widening their horizons. They form a crucial part of student development, but, of course, they must be run safely. This course covers everything trip planners need to know about planning more hazardous activities (including the AALA licence scheme) and going abroad. The course should be only be taken after successful completion of the ‘Safe Visit Planning’ module.

Course Presented by: 

Julian Penney


40-45 Minutes

Key topics covered

  • Safe planning checklist

  • Risk assessing adventurous activities

  • Parental consent

  • Special needs

  • Charging

  • First aid and medical arrangements

  • Adult/student ratios

  • Licensable adventurous activities

  • Taking trips overseas

  • The LOtC Quality Badge

  • Dynamic risk assessment

  • Emergency planning

  • Visit evaluation

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